Leon Franklin: Author

Noel F Bennett: Film Maker

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Friends of St. Clare's 

St. Clare's

Friends of St. Clare's
Below is a copy of a draft brochure which explains the basics of Friends of St. Clare's. Some of the wording has been changed to reflect that this is a website and not a paper brochure.

This page explains what Friends of St. Clare’s is, what its aims are and many other things. Please let all members of your household read it.

There are examples of churches across the country often becoming unusable. The buildings are almost falling apart with many problems such as mould, rot, falling masonry etc. So in desperation people get together to form a Friends Group to try and save their treasures. Let’s not wait for that day!

Please read on and if you are interested please go online to friendsofstclare's.uk to see the bigger picture .

Friends of St. Clare’s is...
A group of people who have at least one thing in common - their appreciation of St. Clare’s Church, the building, furnishings, people and the work that goes on because of it. They desire to see it continue. If you are thinking “I don’t go to church” that’s fine please read on. We expect that many in the group will very rarely, if ever, attend the church.

Have you ever attended St. Clare’s Church?
Perhaps you have attended a wedding, funeral christening or some other special event. You may be a member of one of the many organisations that use the church or its halls. On the other hand, you may never have entered the building but for some reason you are thankful that it is there. You would wish it and its congregation all the best for the future and you would certainly be very sad if the building was lost along with the beautiful fixtures and fittings and all the good work its preachers and lay people do was to end.

At this moment in time there is no suggestion that St Clare’s Church will close. In fact just the opposite – it is thriving and lots of good work is being carried out by many good-hearted people.

That is why this is a good time for an organisation like Friends of St Clare’s to be established. So here is your chance to support St Clare’s Church by joining Friends of St. Clare’s. Subscription is by monthly membership fee. A donation of your choice, minimum £2. You do not need to attend, just have a little place in your heart that tells you to show your support. 
What are its aims?
Friends of St. Clare’s will be as the name implies - a friend. As it develops and becomes well established it will support St. Clare’s Church in the short, medium and long term. It could in time and if required also support other C of E churches in Newton Aycliffe and district. So if you are a member of another church you will be most welcome.

We will hold fundraising events and raise money via donations. People will be encouraged to become members for a very small monthly subscription fee. The membership will be open to anyone, and we have every reason to believe that the present congregation and hall users will want to show their support. However, we are also looking for people who do not attend the church or only attend on rare occasions such as Christmas or weddings, funerals etc. It is thought that there are many people in this category that whilst not being regular attenders may still wish to have the opportunity to support the Church.
What will the funds be used for? 
The type of purchases that could occur are many and varied. As an example, three things that have already been achieved by Friends of St. Clare’s are as follows. In the short term...
First, the Church now has its own wheelchair to be used in emergencies when a member of the congregation needs transport from the church or hall to the foyer because they become ill.

Second, Large toys have been purchased for ‘Messy Church’ to help with their mission to young people and families.
Third, In the medium term...
We have supplied a defibrillator which has been placed on the outside of the church for the use of the whole community as well as church goers.

Long term savings will also be pursued via investment. A certain percentage of funds raised will be invested for the long term ensuring that should a real crisis occur St. Clare’s could recover.

Friends will not raise funds for things which the church is already doing. In other words it will not be there to offer funding for items that the church has always been able to meet. That does not mean that help would not be available in an emergency. 

In time it is hoped that Friends will build up sufficient investments to support St. Clare’s Church in a real crisis. Not only is the work of the Church of such great importance but there is also the protection of the treasures housed within the building. For example the pews and other pieces of furniture were made by the famous Mouse-Man company. There are also several very beautiful stained glass windows.
As St. Clare herself showed, our most valued possessions are the people. By making Friends of St. Clare’s successful we will be protecting all the ‘people work’ that goes on into the future

What other things will be undertaken?
Social and other events will be held both to raise funds and cement friendship between members.

To find out more 
Go to friendsofstclare’s.uk to find out more, or write to:
Friends of St. Clare’s
 c/o St. Clare’s Church
 St. Cuthbert’s Way
 Newton Aycliffe
 DL5 5NT

Are you a member of St Clare’s Congregation?
If so you will be more than welcome to join. However please bear in mind that anything you give (time or money) to St Clare’s Church should not be diminished by joining Friends.

Many thanks.
I would like to end by passing on my thanks to those who have shown support already, and to you, in advance of you joining. Go to friendsofstclare's.uk

Noel F Bennett
Founder of Friends of St Clare’s

One of the many beautiful stained glass windows. This one showing a set of modern scenes including computers, munitions, mining and railways all with a connection to the great Aycliffe Parish.
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