Leon Franklin: Author

Noel F Bennett: Film Maker

Bennett Family Tree

Friends of St. Clare's 

June Bennett

June Bennett
I have a lot to do under this section but for now here are some photographs and a file you can open called Memory Book.

Early days probably around 1962/3 taken in the garden of my home address of 77 Nickstream Lane, Darlington.

June when she took part in a beauty competition.

Our family in 1986 The year June died.

I have a lot of our love letters from when we first met as children. I have what I call a memory book with all the letters and information to go with them. An example letter is shown below the photographs on the left. Part of our early story I printed in the 'Memory Book' file below if you wish to click on it.
Memory Book
The slide show below shows June as a toddler mainly taken in Chilton, Co. Durham where her Grandparents on her mothers side lived in Raby Terrace. The picture of her with the horse shows her Granddad Ralf Wilson. He used to call his horse a gallaway.
Below: June age around 12 years when I first met her
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