Leon Franklin: Author

Noel F Bennett: Film Maker

Bennett Family Tree

Friends of St. Clare's 



NAME: Noel Franklin Bennett

CAREER: Retired

DATE OF BIRTH: 1st. December 1946

FAITH:  Christian (Church of England)

BORN: Darlington (North East of England)

EMAIL: info@leonfranklin.org

WEBSITES:  leonfranklin.org  AND  bennettfamilytree.org

Hobbies: Writing, Making Films, Genealogy
I write Novels, under the pen name Leon Franklin, set in the 1960’s in the North of England. At the moment I am writing a series of novels each with a theme based loosely on the title of a pop-tune from that period. My first is entitled ‘Stranger on the Shore’ my second, I am currently working on, is entitled ‘Runaway’ and I have a few ideas brewing for further titles and stories.


There are many things in my life, that I am grateful for, which have influenced me. The main four are where I lived, when I lived, who I lived with and my faith. Born in Co. Durham, I have always lived in the North East of England. I was a teenager through the 60’s and feel lucky to have lived through that period.

I am also enormously grateful that in 1960 at the age of 14 I met, June who was aged 12 who became my wife in 1966. I feel very
privileged and so lucky to have loved her and been loved by her. Sadly, very sadly indeed, she died in 1986 at the age of 38. Despite a wonderful marriage and mostly happy life, sometime in my late 20’s early 30's, I felt the urge or need, probably both, to attend church and became a Christian. My wife, June, also became a Christian shortly after that.

To earn a crust...
After leaving school my main employment for the first six years was in a tailoring factory as a Measure Cutter. Following this I trained with the British School of Motoring in London to become a Driving Instructor. This was my introduction to being self employed. After a few years of running my own business I rejoined B.S.M. and soon found myself training to become a branch manager. This gave me a good insight into business management. After a few years I started my own training school for instructors and then expanded that across the North East via business format franchising.
Further and Adult education...
As well as training in relation to my work, which included Sales and Marketing, I passed the City and Guilds Adult and Further Education Teacher Training Certificate. I was successful in training courses with the Open University including, Mathematics and Science. I also received a diploma in Information Technology and Communications. I have also purchased books on the subject of writing and have done a lot of research online.

Spare time hobbies and interests...
I have always had an interest in entertainment. Here is a list of some of the things I have been involved in:-
  •     Roller skating instructor for both children and adults
  •     Member of a guitar group (Lead Guitar)
  •     Organised events including: Shows, parties, entertainment, competitions.
  •     Entered a talent competition as a comedian
  •     Directed a show and several comedy and musical sketches
  •     Played on stage in ‘Gigi’ with the Darlington Operatic Society
  •     Played on stage in the ‘Mystery Play’ with the Sedgefield Deanery Drama Group
  •     Write scripts, direct, film and edit videos
  •     Act in videos
  •     Music (Self taught Yamaha Key Board)
I have also been keen to keep myself fit and still go to the gym two to three times a week and play badminton whenever I can. The other things I am keen on now or that have kept me fit in the past include:-
  •     Roller Skating (from the age of 7, last skated at age 70)
  •     Latin American & Ballroom Dancing (Gold Medallist along with my partner June)
  •     Jogging and walking
  •     Table Tennis
  •     Aerobics and weight training

The future:
I am enjoying my retirement. That is only because I have kept very active and always have plenty to do. However, there still seems to be something missing. You may ask.....

“What possessed you and, anyway, what makes you think you are qualified to be an author and why now?”

I really think the main answer to that is my self confidence and that I now have the time. Don’t get me wrong you will not find me arrogant or big headed or extrovert. Quite the opposite I am fully aware of my literary failings but my confidence has been building day by day.

The other project I am working on is Friends of St. Clare's. An organisation being set up to support St. Clare's Church in Newton Aycliffe. But For now, back to the writing.

To give you an example of what I mean by courage...
I ave allwayz bin pritty bad at spelin. Yet I still had the courage to stand up in front of a classroom of students and write on a whiteboard as part of the visual aids used in teaching. With a standard of spelling as bad as mine that takes some guts. My ability to make people laugh got me through when I made a mistake. The other thing I found was, although I thought my standard of spelling was bad, when compared to some of the students my ability was streets ahead.
With most things in life, people say, “You will not know if you like it until you have tried it.” I have enjoyed
writing a lot of documents and books in the past including training manuals, course guides as well as promotional literature including sales brochures. I have even written sketches and poems but never did I think I would have the
ability to write a novel. I know how different that is to what I had written in the past. Also, in the past, I had little time with everything else going on in my life so whenever I briefly thought about the possibility of writing a novel it soon got pushed to the bottom of my priority list. If I had known how much I enjoyed it I would certainly have tried harder to achieve it sooner. Now, not only am I enjoying the experience, I actually think I can do it. Of course you will be the one who decides that.

Now I am retired I have the time to think about and do things that before were for one reason or another out of the question. I am learning fast and still have a lot to learn but I am doing better than I ever imagined I could do. Not only have I the confidence to write, despite my literary handicaps, I have the desire for it and the love of it that is surely necessary to become successful. I know many authors work will end up in a publishers/agents dustbin but I am enjoying writing and if that happens to my work I will do it anyway and keep trying to get something published for the fulfilment it will bring me. If successful my work will also bring others enjoyment, entertainment and fulfilment. 

Since around 2017 I have been working towards setting up 'Friend's of St. Clare's' to raise funds in support of the church. The intention is to be able to obtain items useful to the church that they cannot gain for themselves and build a fund that can be saved and invested for long term support. 
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